
The Archbishops of the Archdioceses of Melbourne and Hobart and the Bishops of the Dioceses of Ballarat, Sale and Sandhurst have established CatholicCare Victoria Tasmania (CCVT) to represent CatholicCare and Centacare agencies in Victoria and Tasmania in applying for Government and other funding to support community welfare services conducted in their respective Archdioceses and Dioceses by the Participating Agencies.

CCVT was formed to coordinate program delivery across Victoria Tasmania; capitalise on the experience & expertise of member agencies; promote quality service delivery; ensure appropriate staff skills & experience exchange across agencies & provide program monitoring/feedback for continuous improvement.

For more information about CCVT, please email ccvt@ccam.org.au

CCVT Agencies

Copyright © CatholicCare Victoria Tasmania | ACN: 150 113 947